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深耕中國市場,博斯特中國4.0 戰略借力Print China 2019 開啟新篇章

2019-04-25 11:45 來源:中國包裝信息網 責編:溫淼

2019年4月9-13日,世界領先的印刷技術展覽會之一的Print China 2019在中國東莞隆重舉行,博斯特在此次展會上展示了多種旨在助力包裝印刷企業提高生產效率和產品品質的創新技術。其中包括兩款業內領先的糊盒機——FULONG III 50 A1和MEILONG III 110 A2,兩款最受歡迎的模切機——SP 106 E和SP 106 ER,以及一系列幫助客戶更進一步提升生產力的外圍設備。

  2019年4月9-13日,世界領先的印刷技術展覽會之一的Print China 2019在中國東莞隆重舉行,博斯特在此次展會上展示了多種旨在助力包裝印刷企業提高生產效率和產品品質的創新技術。其中包括兩款業內領先的糊盒機——FULONG III 50 A1和MEILONG III 110 A2,兩款最受歡迎的模切機——SP 106 E和SP 106 ER,以及一系列幫助客戶更進一步提升生產力的外圍設備。

  Print China 2019 took place from April 9th to 13th in Dongguan city, China. As one of the largest exhibitors in this world-leading printing technology exhibition, BOBST showcased some of its principal innovations aimed at boosting productivity. This included two of BOBST’s leading folder-gluers, FULONG III 50 A1 and MEILONG III 110 A2, and two of its most popular die-cutters, SP 106 E and SP 106 ER. Also on show were an impressive range of peripherals and devices, capable of increasing productivity even further.

  眾所周知,2018年3月15日,博斯特中國推出了一項全新的 “博斯特中國4.0戰略”!斑@個戰略致力于為充滿活力和激烈競爭的中國市場提供量身定制的解決方案,以博斯特中國獨特的專業技術將幫助客戶實現其在中國及其他地區的目標! 博斯特(上海)有限公司總經理魯希瑞介紹道,“我們提出‘協同發展,追求卓越’兩大承諾,從本質上講,這意味著我們的客戶將獲得最優質的瑞士品質技術,并提供本地化生產和本地化的客戶支持服務!

  BOBST China launched its new China 4.0 strategy in 2018.”Committing to delivering tailored solutions for the dynamic and highly competitive Chinese market, BOBST China’s unique know-how and technology will help clients reach their goals in China and beyond,” said Mr. Cyril Ruiz-Moise, the General Manager of BOBST Shanghai. “We launched the initiative ‘Proximity and Performance’ last year. Essentially it means that our clients are guaranteed the very best in Swiss-quality technology, with local production and a localized customer support service to match.”

  “為進一步便捷參觀者,我們此次在展位上設置了7個參觀站點,分別是博斯特中國4.0戰略展示墻、富龍系列糊盒生產線、美龍系列糊盒生產線、SP 106 ER模切機、全新的SP 106 E模切機、服務專區和合作伙伴專區,”博斯特亞太區市場及溝通負責人張薇介紹說,“通過這7個站點,參觀者能夠更詳細地了解到博斯特的全新戰略、產品、服務,以及強大的合作伙伴。”

  “For the convenience of visitors, we set up 7 stations at the booth: one for the BOBST China 4.0 strategy, one for each of the four exhibited machines, as well as a Services area and a Partners area,” said Ms. Sophia Hooper, the Regional Marketing and Communication Manager Leader, "Through these 7 stations, visitors could learn more about our new strategy, our products, services and the strong partners of BOBST Shanghai."


  The machines and technology on show at the exhibition, along with BOBST’s world-leading automation and high productivity, reflected BOBST’s deep commitment to the Chinese market and impressed all visitors to BOBST booth. The focus was on the four machines which were live on show:

  FULONG III 50 A1,這種極其高效而緊湊的糊盒機,幫助客戶拓寬了產品范圍,并提供始終如一的高端品質和驚人的生產力,該設備在現場生產速度達到350米/分鐘,與EASYFEEDER / BATCH INVERTER 4和CARTONPACK 4聯線生產,形成了高性能的糊盒生產線;

  FULONG III 50 A1, an extremely efficient and compact folder-gluer. The modular all-rounder helps customers to diversify their product range. Versatile and stable, this user-friendly folder-gluer delivers consistent high-end quality and amazing productivity. During the exhibition, this highly competitive folder-gluer ran up to 350 m/min and was combined with EASYFEEDER/BATCH INVERTER 4 & CARTONPACK 4, forming a high-performance folding-gluing line.

  MEILONG III 110 A2,這種用途極為廣泛的全自動多功能糊盒機,幫助客戶使用各種材料生產出各種各樣且數量驚人的紙盒產品。該設備在現場生產速度達到450米/分鐘,配備了SPEEDWAVE 2,幫助客戶節省時間的同時實現了卓越的折疊品質,另外還大大提高了生產效率。結構緊湊,使用方便,且界面友好的COLLECTING TABLE有效地幫助客戶高效包裝成品紙盒;

  MEILONG III 110 A2. This amazingly versatile folder-gluer can produce a large number of box styles in a wide range of materials. Known for its superb productivity – running at speeds up to 450 m/min during the exhibition - it was equipped with SPEEDWAVE 2, the patented no-hooks device for running crash-lock boxes at maximum speed with the greatest precision. The efficient packing of the finished boxes was made possible with COLLECTING TABLE, the compact and user-friendly semi-automatic packer.

  SP 106 ER和全新的SP 106 E模切機大幅提升了客戶加工紙盒過程中的產品質量和生產率。高度自動化并配備先進的HMI SPERE,提供了簡單的設置、快速換單,最大限度地延長了設備正常運行的時間。博斯特的專利技術,如Autoplaten和Centerline,保證了完美的模切和清廢效果,甚至可以滿足最苛刻的客戶需求,F場所展示的SP 106 ER還配備了巧妙的取樣裝置和自動紙堆轉移(ATP)系統,實現了成品物流的完全自動化。

  SP 106 ER and the new SP 106 E improved both quality and productivity throughout the entire carton conversion operation. Highly automated and equipped with the advanced HMI SPHERE, they provided easy set-up, fast changeovers and therefore maximum uptime. BOBST technologies such as Autoplaten? and Centerline? can guarantee perfect die-cutting and stripping results, which can convince even the most demanding clients. The blanking die-cutter SP 106 ER was equipped with the Automatic Pile Transfer (APT) system, which allowed the complete automation of the material logistics. Visitors could also discover live the ingenious SAMPLING DEVICE, which supports the zero-fault packaging by allowing individual sheets to be extracted without stopping the production.


  For Intelligent, Connected Services, are a very strategic need for our clients. It is a natural evolution of the digitalization of the economy that takes so many forms and touches businesses in so many ways. BOBST offered a lot of solutions in that direction: Helpline Plus-offers remote assistance that will save huge amounts of money and time for our clients, as issues can be analyzed and diagnosed remotely;Downtime Tracking-the App that gives easy access to machine stoppage root causes.With reports and alerts our customers can use Downtime Tracking to improve production;The Remote Monitoring App is made for decision makers and it  is a comprehensive production reporting tool designed to quickly access detailed machine production, process and technical data.

  4月9日晚間,“博斯特中國廣印展4.0 晚宴”隆重舉行,包裝印刷行業數百位精英齊聚一堂。博斯特向來賓們進一步分享了其2018年實施新戰略以來的成果和2019年新的計劃,強調公司將不斷適應中國市場新的需求,以最佳的價值、產品和服務,進一步加強其作為行業技術潮流引領者的地位,”協同發展,追求卓越”。

  On the evening of April 9th, the BOBST China 4.0 dinner was held. BOBST shared with the guests the achievements of the new strategy in 2018 and the new plans for 2019, emphasizing that BOBST would constantly adapt to the new demands of the Chinese market. This means further strengthening the leading innovation position with the best value, products and services, as well as pursuing the initiative “Proximity and Performance”.


  “我們很高興在為期五天的Print China 2019上和來自全球的博斯特的客戶們更詳細地討論了這些問題。數百家企業對我們現場所展示的模切與糊盒方面的解決方案表現出了濃厚的興趣,現場所取得的訂單為博斯特中國4.0戰略在中國的進一步拓展奠定了扎實的基礎! 博斯特(上海)有限公司銷售總監黃進平說道。

  “We are very excited that we have discussed this in more detail with attendees from all over the world in the past five days of Print China 2019. Hundreds of companies have shown great interest in BOBST die-cutting and folder-gluing solutions, and the orders we received during the exhibition have laid a solid foundation for the further expansion of the BOBST China 4.0 strategy in the country.” said Mr. Wilson Huang, the Sales Director of BOBST Shanghai.

  除了在現場展示全球領先的印后加工設備與服務產品,博斯特還在在現場展示了數十款由博斯特的設備加工而成的包裝產品!斑@充分表明在‘博斯特中國4.0戰略’的指導下,我們比以往任何時候都更加關注客戶的需求,以及他們正在做些什么,真正做到以客戶為中心。我們可以很自豪地看到,我們的設備可以幫助客戶創造性地開發廣泛的應用產品包裝。此外,伙伴關系也是我們非常重視的,所以我們與亞太地區的客戶開發了伙伴關系項目! 博斯特亞太區市場及溝通負責人張薇說道。

  Also displayed were dozens of products converted by BOBST machines, which fully demonstrated the company’s aim to be fully customer-centered. “Under the BOBST China 4.0 strategy, we are more focused than ever on our customers and on what they do. BOBST is proud to see what our machine can help our customers to be creative and develop a wide range of applications for product packaging. Partnership is also something that we value very much and we developed a partnership program with local customers,” said Ms.Sophia Hooper, the Regional Marketing and Communications Leader.

  自進入2019年以來,以“博斯特中國4.0戰略”為基石,博斯特上海進一步走進客戶,深耕市場。謹遵“協同發展”和“追求卓越”的兩大承諾,“博斯特中國4.0戰略”進一步得到了貫徹與實施,如:更多適合中國市場的本地化的技術創新與產品研發;更多適合中國客戶的全新機型、解決方案、創新服務產品等。除此之外,博斯特還在繼續拓展合作伙伴,并將和興作為博斯特 首選的Tooling解決方案供應商,Print China 2019期間組織客戶們參觀了和興的工廠,以此進一步證明了他們的技術與產品的優勢。


  Since the beginning of 2019 and due to the new strategy, Bobst Shanghai has reached out to more customers and extended its presence on the Chinese market. In line with the two commitments of Proximity and Performance, BOBST China further implemented more localized technological innovation, product development, new machines, solutions and innovative services for Chinese customers. In addition, BOBST continued to develop a network of partners and showcased Wohing as its preferred local tooling solution for China. A visit to their new plant was organized during Print China 2019 to explain on site the advantages of the partnership.


  BOBST also announced the opening of its first competence center in Guangzhou, South China. BOBST will have more sales people and more technicians available for this very dynamic region. The competence center will also have a die-cutter running with Wohing tooling and will be able to provide training for client operators. “We do hope that our clients will enjoy an increased Proximity with BOBST and manage their performance in an optimum way for their greatest success.” said Mr. Cyril Ruiz-Moise.

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